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Annual Exhibition Opening & Prizegiving

25 April 2015

Many thanks to all who helped with making the exhibition a success, in particular our chairman Tony Batey & photographer Pen Sims. Also, thanks to our Vice President, Arnold Lowrey for opening the exhibition & presenting the awards. Congratulations to all the winners.

2015 Annual Exhibition Prize Winners

Copystat Portrait Prize

Winner: Sylvia Hughes Williams for her painting "Cardiff

Librarian Bron"

Runner up - Asha Bassi

Norman & Morag Robertson Marine Prize

winner - Anthony Batey for his painting "Cardiff Pilots

on Duty in the Channel"

Runner up - Tony Douglas Jones

Beryl Saunders Memorial Plate (Still Life)

winner - Keith Harvey for his painting "Three Daffs"

Runner up - Claire Sadlier

Landscape (Glass)

winner - Joe Rhodes for his painting "Rain in the City

Runner up - Harriet Jenkins

Best Abstract Lilac Searle Rose Bowl

winner - Pam Gilbert for her textile artwork


Runner up - Molly Curley

Best Figurative (Glass)

Winner - Anita Raymond for her painting "Cardiff


Runner up - Janet Sims

Rosemary Bramley Cup for Line & Wash

winner - Tony Douglas Jones for his painting "City Hall


Runner up - Harriet Jenkins

Sculpture Prize

winner Asha Bassi for "Sculpture of a Female Head"

Runner up - David Kirkham

Anton Kolb Miniature Cup

winner - Sylvia Hughes Williams for her painting "Theo"

Runner up - Tony Douglas Jones

The Anthony Rapport Trophy (Overall)

winner - Anthony Batey for his painting "Cardiff Pilots

on Duty in the Channel"

(Pic 1) Pictured here is Bill Barry, Vice Chair of SWAS with Marion Harris, representative from Velindre Hospital. Bill presented Marion with a cheque for £200 from SWAS. This was raised from the sale of art materials from the late June Reed, who had been an active member and former prize winner in the society.

Photos by Pendre Sims; words by Pam Gilbert

Next Reports 2014-15